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Αrtist pigments

Fine pigments for painting and icon painting. They are mixed with egg tempera or glue for traditional iconography, but also with binders or ready-to-use binders for creating colors for painting.
€2.20 incl tax

Schmincke Fluo Pigments 100 ml

Fluorecent pigment range that includes finely sieved and highly lightfast pigments in 100 ml jars. Combined with the ready-to-use binders, it is easy to grind individual artists’ colours of oil, acrylic, watercolour, gouache and lino print. Of course, the pigments are also very well suited to other techniques and mixed-media. High lightfastness. Finely sieved .Vivid effects with daylight. Best fluorescent effects with black lights.Schmincke Premium artists’ pigments bear the seal “100% Pigment”. They contain 100% pure, unblended artists’ pigment. 100% Pigment is a guarantee of the highest possible brilliance, colour intensity and coverage.
€18.70 incl tax

Genuine Artists‘ AQUA Bronzes

Genuine Artists´ Bronzes, are formulated based on real metal pigments for painting techniques in water-colour/Gouache colours. 5 colours are available: rich gold, rich pale gold, pale gold, copper and silver. Schmincke Genuine Artists' Bronzes contain bronze or aluminium pigments. Therefore they are very light fast, more opaque and more brilliant than other metallic effect colours made of pearl lustre pigments. Only suitable for indoor objects!For glossy metal effects in Gouache- or water-colour paintings on less absorbent surfaces such as paper, cardboard, painting board or canvas (not suitable for gypsum, metal or plastic!). Handling: Mix required quantity of Aqua-Bronzes shortly before application with little water on a palette. Can further be diluted with water. The amount of added water influences the opacity and gloss of the colour.
€9.90 incl tax

Genuine Artists‘ Oil Bronzes

Genuine Artists´ Οil Bronzes, are formulated based on real metal pigments for painting techniques in oil colours. 5 colours are available: rich gold, rich pale gold, pale gold, copper and silver. Schmincke Genuine Artists' Oil Bronzes contain bronze or aluminium pigments. Therefore they are very light fast, more opaque and more brilliant than other metallic effect colours made of pearl lustre pigments. Only suitable for indoor objects!Iridescent metal effect on oil paintings or other pre-primed surfaces, such as wood, metal or gypsum; use only in combination with bronze medium .When used on absorbent surfaces, we recommend an additional pre-treatment with turpentine substitute and thinned bronze medium. Handling: Mix 3 parts Oil-Bronze and 2 parts bronze medium with a painting knife - shortly before application. If requested, thin with e.g. turpentine substitute; dries wipe and water-resistant. Colour layers remain soluble to oil of turpentine (50102) or turpentine substitute after drying.
€21.80 incl tax

Bronze medium

Ready-to-use binder for Schmincke Oil bronzes. For brilliant metallic effects on oil paintings and several other surfaces like wood, metal or gypsum. The gilding remains after drying soluble to turpentine respectively turpentine substitute. (Pre-tests are recommended prior to the application of varnish!).Mix 3 parts Schmincke oil-bronze and 2 parts bronze medium with a painting knife shortly before application.
€9.10 incl tax

Genuine Artists‘ Acrylic Bronzes

Genuine Artists´ Bronzes, are formulated based on real metal pigments for painting techniques in acrylic colours. 5 colours are available: rich gold, rich pale gold, pale gold, copper and silver. Schmincke Genuine Artists' Bronzes contain bronze or aluminium pigments. Therefore they are very light fast, more opaque and more brilliant than other metallic effect colours made of pearl lustre pigments. Ready to use acrylic colours, for special effects on acrylic pain- tings and other greesefree surfaces, such as paper, cardboard, wood, metal, plastic or gypsum. Handling: Apply undiluted with a brush on the surface of your choice. Can be diluted with water; dries wipe and water resistant.
€18.30 incl tax

Liquid Bronze Renesans, 125 ml

Liquid bronze is a quick-drying metallic paint containing synthetic resins, solvents and high-quality powdered aluminium pigments. It adheres well to many types of surface, including wood, plastic and metal, giving the chosen surface a metallic appearance. It is very easy to apply using a paintbrush, and makes objects appear to be made of real metal. Recommended for decorating and making alterations to frames. Mix thoroughly before use. If slight thinning is required, or to wash the paintbrush, use xylene. Available in 100 ml jars.
€8.90 incl tax

Mortar and pestle

€14.20 incl tax

Goldpasta 20 ml

gold paste, ideal for restoring gold-plated items and for authentic gold. Contains beeswax and high quality mineral minerals. The paste can be used on many different surfaces and especially wood, plastic and metal giving them a permanent metal face, while being very resistant to time wear It is ideal for decoration and transformations into frames and for the restoration of gilded objects whose gold has been worn out. Apply the paste with a cotton cloth, your finger or a brush and let it dry for 24 hours. Then polish the surface with a cloth.
€4.90 incl tax

Goldpasta Renesans, 125 ml

Gold paste, ideal for restoring gold-plated items and for authentic gold. Contains beeswax and high quality mineral minerals. The paste can be used on many different surfaces and especially wood, plastic and metal giving them a permanent metal face, while being very resistant to time wear It is ideal for decoration and transformations into frames and for the restoration of gilded objects whose gold has been worn out. Apply the paste with a cotton cloth, your finger or a brush and let it dry for 24 hours. Then polish the surface with a cloth.
€19.40 incl tax

Metallic pigment in powder, 20 gr.

Λεπτοαλεσμένη μεταλλική χρωστική σε σκόνη, κατάλληλη για επίχρυσωση και για ανάδειξη των ραγισμάτων του κρακελέ. Αναμιγνύεται με χολή βοδιού ή με ακρυλική κόλλα.
€6.90 incl tax

Metallic pigment in powder, silver 8 gr.

Λεπτοαλεσμένη μεταλλική χρωστική σε σκόνη, κατάλληλη για επίχρυσωση και για ανάδειξη των ραγισμάτων του κρακελέ. Αναμιγνύεται με χολή βοδιού ή με ακρυλική κόλλα.
€3.60 incl tax